Sunday, May 22, 2011

The green teddy bear!

A little boy, his dad and sister knocked on our door today.  His dad told us that his son was very persistant, after hearing Cooper's story, that he give him his teddy bear.  He had the bear since his tonsils were taken out a couple of years ago.  He handed the bear to Cooper and said, "this bear helped me get better while I was in the hospital and I know it will help you get better too."  Tear jerker for sure.  What a sweet little boy!  Thanks Hamilton.


  1. Hi Holly--This is Cynthia--just found your blog. Wanted to tell you how much I think of you and hope that things go as well as possible for you this week in Salt Lake. I hope you can feel the prayers of many lift you and sustain you this week!!

  2. hey um i have an exact teddy bear i have had since i was 3 i was wondering if this was for sale
