Saturday, July 23, 2011

Surgery July 21st

Today Cooper had his tumor removed.  The doctor said if they get enough clean tissue around the tumor that he won't have to go through radiation.  The doctors will give him 2 weeks to recover from surgery before starting chemotherapy again.  He still has 8 cycles to complete before he is done.  This is a picture I took while he was waiting for surgery.

After surgery he was very tired and hurting very bad.  It took awhile to manage the pain.  We had planned to stay 1 night but we ended up here for 2.  He still has a drain in that is constantly draining the surgery site.  I am not sure if we have to go home with it in or if they will take it out before we leave today.  He has been a really tough kid.  It was obvious he was in a lot of pain, so much pain that he was almost throwing up.  The first night was really hard. 

The physical therapist met with us yesterday afternoon.  She said the strength in his leg was great but she would like to see him put some weight on it.  She gave us a little walker to use and some blue tape to decorate it with.  Later yesterday Cooper and I decorated the walker and he tried it out.  It was only an hour after trying to bear weight that he took off almost running down the halls.  Once he realized he could walk again we couldn't keep him in his room.  He was zooming around the hospital with his blue walker.  It was a great night! 

It is the morning after the second night and I am waiting to hear from the doctors on the plan for today.  Right now Coop is sound asleep.  Hopefully we will be home later today.


  1. The magic of BLUE it. He is a super strong kid :)

  2. Glad to hear the surgery went okay, sorry to hear he's had to suffer through so much pain...that must be miserable for you all to have to watch. We'll be praying that you'll get to come home today. Loved to see the pictures from your "vacation" and time as a family. It's good you're getting to have days like those among all the harder days. Love you guys!

  3. :-D Great & wonderful news! The magic of things, whether it be blue tape or something else is awesome. Thank you for posting updates.
